for those who explore deep and wide



Ayurvedic Lessons on Living, Sharing, and Trusting

“I’ve got amoebas.” The first time I found out that the little parasitic creatures had invaded my intestines, I was in Cuenca, Ecuador, where I lived for two years. “Don’t

Honeybee combs of marble

Soul Surgery

I am freaking out. Sometimes, I get anxious—I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I want a plan. I don’t trust enough. I can wax poetic on these


Moon Manifestations: How to Create Sacred Lunar Time

The Full Moon is for letting things go. The New Moon is for asking things to come. Twice a month, we are offered the perfect moment to pause, to look

Navajo Reservation sign

Singing Generations

It’s not very often you see a father-daughter Navajo hip-hop duo performing at a social justice festival. When you are so lucky to witness an event, you have to pause,

Martha's Vineyard

You’re Not Who You Think You Are

Part I: A Soul is Born You are not who you think you are. Not really. You may hold many of your beliefs dear—beliefs being those thoughts you breathe in,

Bird Dream

An Insomniac’s Dream Diary

10:00PM: I am the man at the airport staring at the birds, wanting to catch them from the rooftop rafters. I want them to be outside. I want them to

Meditation Girl by Suka StreetArt

Laughing with Old Folks

The first time I saw them, they were yelling to the sky: “Hey Hey, Ho Ho!” They walked in a circle, hands high, hands low. “Hey Hey! Ho Ho!” A

A Place to Call Home

“Where do you live, exactly?” “We’re living in a commune. Sort of.” “What do you mean, a commune?” My mother pries. “Well, it’s a community of little houses- casitas– on