for those who explore deep and wide


#25 Human-ing: True Tales of Food, Health, Transit and Humanity from Ecuador to the States

One of the things that hits me the most when I come back to the States after living in places like Ecuador, India or Costa Rica is how much I

beauty and the beast

#12: Discovering the Past

Today is a weird Wednesday. It’s a day of transition and oddness, and I feel it in everything: a creeping cold in my throat, forgotten shower hooks that I had

varanasi sunrise

#6: Learning to Live Slow: A Lesson in Light from India

In Nepal and India, and many other countries I have yet to visit, I learned to take my shoes off before entering a household. The weaving streets of the world

woman love

30 Reflections for the 30 Year Dance: #1 A Woman’s World: Bodies, Solidarity, and Bleeding

Woman. Women. Womxn. Transwomen. Females. Femmes. Mothers of all definitions. Grandmothers. Sisters. We are special. In this lifetime, my path has been to be a white, cisgender*, heterocurious* woman and


There’s Nothing Left in Paradise

A fire can burn a hole in the ground in the shape of a root, of a twisted, gnarled thing that once was the source of life for a tree.


Are You Ever Scared to Stay?

The Parable of the Palo Verde and the Hummingbird Why do I feel constriction in my chest when I think about staying? I think I feel it because it feels


From a City of Cardamom

A boy holds a shawl out to dry in the wind, and a mama holds her child’s hand to the father’s belly as the three ride by on a motorcycle.

Tree Final

Latin Love: Adolescents, Animals, and Adults (not all together)

Costa Rica: 2018 Dear God please. Dear Goddesses please. Dear Spirits please. The litany spirals in my ears as the airplane hits turbulence, again and again. What is turbulence, exactly?

Sea Snake Woman

Time Travel

By Emma Wille (Suka StreetArt) After three years of travel, I have found myself temporarily marooned in the Phoenician desert. Back home to a land that now feels foreign and

El Destilado

The Best Date Ever

It starts with a black dress. Tight, and yet comfortable, though it doesn’t have pockets. Add some jewelry because bright yellow or orange or turquoise makes me feel more of